TV-Browser 3.3.3 API

Interface TvDataBaseListener

public interface TvDataBaseListener

A listener that listens for TV data events

Til Schneider,

Method Summary
 void dayProgramAdded(ChannelDayProgram prog)
          Is called when a day program has been added to the TV data base.
 void dayProgramAdded(MutableChannelDayProgram prog)
          Is called when a day program has been added to the TV data base but not has been saved, so changes are currently possible.
 void dayProgramDeleted(ChannelDayProgram prog)
          Is called when a day program has been deleted from the TV data base.
 void dayProgramTouched(ChannelDayProgram removedDayProgram, ChannelDayProgram addedDayProgram)
          Is called if something was done with the day program.

Method Detail


void dayProgramAdded(MutableChannelDayProgram prog)
Is called when a day program has been added to the TV data base but not has been saved, so changes are currently possible. Use this if your plugin wants to change/add some data.

ATTENTION: Don't use it to mark or do something other than data changing to the program.

prog - The added day program.


void dayProgramAdded(ChannelDayProgram prog)
Is called when a day program has been added to the TV data base. Use this if you want to mark programs or something else than data chaging.

ATTENTION: If you change data of programs in here the changes wont be kept because they will not be saved.

prog - The added day program.


void dayProgramDeleted(ChannelDayProgram prog)
Is called when a day program has been deleted from the TV data base.

prog - The deleted day program.


void dayProgramTouched(ChannelDayProgram removedDayProgram,
                       ChannelDayProgram addedDayProgram)
Is called if something was done with the day program. Maybe it was removed, added or changed. What actually happend depends on the given parameter. This method is handy if you want to use threads for the handling of the day program changes and have to keep the order of the processing of removed and added programs.

removedDayProgram - The day program that was removed. If it's null that means it didn't exist a day program for the day and channel before (or short a new day program was added).
addedDayProgram - The day program that was added. If it's null that means the day program was deleted if the removedDayProgram is not null.


TV-Browser 3.3.3 API

TV-Browser 3.3.3, Copyright (C) 2004-2008 TV-Browser Team (